Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Peanut Soup

So, clearly the once-a-week goal was too lofty for me.  But hopefully it's a good step in the right direction that I'm blogging about last week's soup while this week's soup simmers on the stove...just in case you thought I had abandoned the project completely.

Last week's soup was inspired after Gretchen Maust posted the recipe on facebook.  Anything with peanut sauce or flavoring instantly makes my mouth water, so I knew it was perfect for my next soup endeavor.  

I set to work chopping peppers, onions (I will try to resist the urge to post pictures of chopped onions every week...but I have a feeling I'm going to get very good at that particular skill!), and garlic and throwing them into my trusty soup pot.

A HUGE can of diced tomatoes went in next...daunting in quantity because cooked tomatoes are just not my favorite thing.  But I decided to be mature and give it a try.  My apprehension grew as I started to add in the liquids and rice...this recipe was pushing the boundaries of my biggest soup pot and I was starting to worry that I'd be dealing with massive soup overflow.  Luckily, I managed to get everything in without any major messes. :)

After letting it simmer it was time to whisk in the peanut butter...an amusing process as I chased huge globs of peanut butter through the pot, trying to whisk strongly enough to separate them while simultaneously doing everything possible to keep all of the soup IN the pot.  Only a video could really do that step justice...sorry.

The final product was delicious, tomatoes and all.  I soaked it up with some hearty sourdough and doled out containers to several friends...there was more than enough to go around!  Once it turned to leftovers I used the immersion blender directly in my soup bowl to cream everything together, and I really think that made it even more delicious.  If I make it again I'll probably do that to the whole pot.  

Peanut Soup

2 bell peppers
2 onions
4-8 cloves garlic (depending on your taste)
2 14-oz cans diced tomatoes
8 cups vegetable broth
2 cups water
½ c. brown rice
1 ½ - 2 cups peanut butter (I used crunchy and the peanuts stayed crunchy for days...hello, preservatives!  it was good for texture, though. :))
½ cup coarsely chopped peanuts
Saute peppers, onions and garlic. Add tomatoes, broth, water and rice. You can also add chopped carrots, chopped green beans or other vegetables. Bring all to low boil then simmer for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. (You can speed up cooking time if you use left over, cooked brown rice.) When rice is tender, whisk in peanut butter. Serve in bowls garnished with chopped peanuts.


  1. The thing I loved about this soup (besides the delicious flavor) was the lumpiness!

  2. well, in that case, i'll continue to just use the blender in my own bowl! ;)
